Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Artikel om Googleforskning uppmärksammas internationellt

Nu prisas chalmersforskaren Sverker Alänge av det globala förlaget Emerald för sin artikel om hur Google organiserar sig för att skapa innovation. Artikeln, som Sverker skrivit tillsammans med Annika Steiber, lyfts fram av tidskriften The European Journal of Innovation Management som en av de mest imponerande artiklarna under hela 2013. Sverker hoppas att andra företag kan dra nytta av forskningsresultaten och inspireras av Googles arbetssätt.

Management for the Innovation Economy

Just in time for vacation- The Google Model and how to manage a company for continuous innovation in a rapidly changing world. Retail sales has already in first month been "impressive" so don´t be the last one to take part of this excited and unique book on Management for the innovation economy!


Monday, June 9, 2014

Ben Levy - Looking for innovation around the globe

Ben Levy is roaming the globe to find the best technology and bringing it back to Silicon Valley.

Innovation for growth- we are just in the beginning of the learning curve..

In my research, speaking, writing, and advisory services, I am obsess with making innovation and entrepreneurship a board and top management issue from the very small to the largest companies out there. 

In an Innovation Economy no executives can afford not to focus on continuous innovation and make sure that their company has developed and sustain a strong capability to innovate. After over 4 years in Silicon Valley and over 20 years of research on Management innovations, I am convinced that we are just in the beginning of a growth curve of a new management concept- a concept that allows Your company to do both- have an efficient core business in parallel with implementing continuous innovations in the form of new businesses. 

If you want to found out more, please read my book "The Google Model- Management for Continuous Innovation in a rapidly changing world". If you want to book me for a lecture or potential advisory services, contact me on annika@innoway.se